Sunday, May 24, 2020

Legal Studies on Violence Against Women Essay - 1875 Words

Violence against women has been occurring throughout society since the dawn of time. It is hard for the law to stop it going on because the women are either to scared to come forward or the women feel it is their fault so they deserve the beating. This sort of violence is predominately in homes and between families. In many ways it would be quite hard for the legal system to stop it because not a lot of people know that it is going on. However the legal system has done some work to stop violence against women. First and foremost, the police. Every local area police station has a domestic violence liaison officer whose role is to solely help women who are experiencing domestic violence. (If the liaison officer is unavailable, the woman†¦show more content†¦They do not have to bring criminal charges before the AVO is distributed. Through AVO’s, it is apparent that the legal system is responding appropriately to violence against women. By far one of the biggest ways in which the legal system has responded to violence against women is by combining with the government to create and launch the ‘Violence Against Women, Australia Says No’ campaign. This is a campaign to raise awareness of the issues of domestic violence and sexual assault in Australia. A 24 hour help line has been set up and there are numerous advertisements, particularly on television, to advertise these issues and encourage people to report such incidents and receive practical assistance to people wanting to change violent behaviour that they are experiencing. Women can also organise for their phone numbers to become unlisted to prevent the perpetrator calling them. The Crimes Act 1914 (Cth) (s.85ZE) states that to make menacing or harassing phone calls is an offence, therefore, if a woman receives an inappropriate phone call she can call the police or the phone company and press charges against the caller. The National Committee on Violence Against Women defined it as behaviour adopted by the man to control his victim which results in physical, sexual and/or psychological damage, forced social isolation, or economic deprivation, or behaviour which leaves a woman living in fear (National Committee on Violence Against Women 1991). In 1987Show MoreRelatedBook Review of Domestic Violence1329 Words   |  6 Pagesï » ¿ Book Review on â€Å"Domestic Violence: The 12 Things You Aren’t Supposed to Know† Written By: Thomas James T.B. James has written a hard-hitting and incisive book focusing on current myths about domestic violence in the United States that turns the conventional approach on its ear (Domestic Violence: The 12 Things You Aren’t Supposed to Know, 2003). 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